We are the 61st Reconnaissance Regiment Living History Group.
Our portrayal of the 61st Recce is to show what they and other Reconnaissance units did at the forefront of most of the fighting in Europe from D Day to the Ardennes.
We have no political aims and we don't glorify war, our aim is to show what these troops had to endure and to remember their sacrifices.
We are members of the British Forces Living History Club, with full Public Liability Insurance through the Shooters Rights Association and attend shows throughout the north of England putting on displays and firing demonstrations..
We are slowly expanding this site to become a site of reference for the 61st Recce members and their families.
See our Contact page for emails received from Veterans and Family's.
Also we are always looking to add to our veterans page, if you had a family member who served in the 61st Recce please get in touch.
Latest Updates to the site:
04/01/202,Events list updated Next Event: Eden Camp signing on weekend date to be confirmed |
Latest News :
Also we are always looking to add to our veterans page, if you had a family member who served in the 61st Recce get in touch. |